modulo module

Pure-Python library for working with modular arithmetic, congruence classes, and finite fields.

class modulo.modulo.modulo(*args: Union[int, Sequence[int]])[source]

Bases: object

Class for representing both individual congruence classes (e.g., finite field elements) and sets of congruence classes (e.g., rings and finite fields such as Z/7Z). Common arithmetic and membership operations are supported for each, as appropriate.

When two integer arguments are supplied, the created instance represents the individual congruence class corresponding to the remainder of the first argument modulo the second argument. The instance modulo(3, 7) in the example below represents the congruence class 3 in the set Z/7Z. Note that the synonym mod is made available to support more concise notation and is used throughout this documentation.

>>> mod(3, 7)
modulo(3, 7)

Common modular arithmetic operations and the membership operator (via the special method modulo.__contains__) are supported for congruence class instances.

>>> mod(3, 7) + mod(2, 7)
modulo(5, 7)
>>> mod(0, 7) - mod(1, 7)
modulo(6, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) * mod(2, 7)
modulo(6, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) ** (-1)
modulo(5, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) in mod(7)
>>> int(mod(3, 7))
>>> 3 in mod(3, 7)
>>> 10 in mod(3, 7)
>>> 4 in mod(3, 7)

Individual congruence classes can be compared with one another according to their least nonnegative residues (and, thus, can also be sorted).

>>> mod(2, 7) < mod(3, 7)
>>> list(sorted([mod(2, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(0, 3)]))
[modulo(0, 3), modulo(1, 3), modulo(2, 3)]

When one integer argument is supplied, the created instance represents the set containing the congruence classes modulo that integer. The instance mod(7) in the example below represents the set Z/7Z.

>>> len(mod(7))

Use of the membership operation is also supported for individual congruence classes that are themselves members of a set of congruence classes.

>>> mod(3, 7) in mod(7)
>>> mod(1, 2) in mod(7)

The built-in int function can be used to retrieve the least nonnegative residue of an instance (see modulo.__int__) and the built-in len function can be used to retrieve the modulus of an instance (see modulo.__len__).

>>> c = modulo(3, 7)
>>> int(c)
>>> len(c)

Congruence classes and sets of congruence classes are also hashable (making it possible to use them as dictionary keys and as set members) and iterable.

>>> list(mod(4))
[modulo(0, 4), modulo(1, 4), modulo(2, 4), modulo(3, 4)]
>>> len({mod(0, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(2, 3)})
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> list(islice(mod(3, 7), 5))
[3, 10, 17, 24, 31]

The Chinese remainder theorem can be applied to construct the intersection of two congruence classes as a congruence class (when it is possible to do so).

>>> mod(23, 100) & mod(31, 49)
modulo(423, 4900)
>>> mod(2, 10) & mod(4, 20) is None

Special methods such as modulo.__getitem__ and synonyms such as Z make it possible to use a number of different forms of notation for creating congruence classes and sets thereof.

>>> Z/(23*Z)
>>> 23*Z
modulo(0, 23)
>>> 17 + 23*Z
modulo(17, 23)
>>> 17 % mod(23)
modulo(17, 23)
>>> cs = mod(23)
>>> cs[17]
modulo(17, 23)

Constructor invocations involving arguments that have incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> mod()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: must provide either a modulus or an integer and a modulus
>>> mod(-2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: modulus must be a positive integer
>>> mod(1.2, 7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: residue must be an integer
__add__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular addition.

>>> mod(1, 4) + mod(2, 4)
modulo(3, 4)
>>> mod(1, 4) + 2
modulo(3, 4)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments having incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> mod(1, 3) + mod(2, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: congruence classes do not have the same modulus
>>> mod(1, 3) + mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
>>> mod(1, 3) + 'a'
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
>>> mod(4) + 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
__radd__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

If this instance is a congruence class, perform modular addition of congruence classes (even if the left-hand argument is an integer and/or representative of a congruence class).

>>> mod(1, 4) + mod(2, 4)
modulo(3, 4)
>>> 2 + mod(1, 4)
modulo(3, 4)

If this instance is a set of congruence classes, support use of familiar mathematical notation to construct congruence classes.

>>> 2 + mod(4)
modulo(2, 4)
>>> 2 + 4*Z
modulo(2, 4)
__sub__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular subtraction.

>>> mod(1, 4) - mod(2, 4)
modulo(3, 4)
>>> mod(1, 4) - 3
modulo(2, 4)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments having incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> mod(4) - 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
__rsub__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular subtraction.

>>> 3 - mod(1, 4)
modulo(2, 4)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments having incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> 3 - mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
__pos__() modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Identity function on congruence classes.

>>> +mod(4, 7)
modulo(4, 7)

Any attempt to invoke the operator on an argument having an incorrect type raises an exception.

>>> +mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class
__neg__() modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Return the additive inverse of a congruence class.

>>> -mod(4, 7)
modulo(3, 7)

Any attempt to invoke the operator on an argument having an incorrect type raises an exception.

>>> -mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only negate a congruence class
__mul__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular multiplication.

>>> mod(1, 4) * mod(2, 4)
modulo(2, 4)
>>> mod(2, 7) * 3
modulo(6, 7)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments having incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> mod(7) * 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
__rmul__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular multiplication.

>>> 3 * mod(2, 7)
modulo(6, 7)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments having incorrect types raise exceptions.

>>> 3 * mod(7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
__floordiv__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular division (i.e., multiplication by the inverse).

>>> mod(4, 7) // mod(2, 7)
modulo(2, 7)
>>> mod(6, 17) // mod(3, 17)
modulo(2, 17)

Any attempt to divide by a congruence class that is not invertible – or to invoke the operator on arguments that have incorrect types – raises exceptions.

>>> mod(17) // mod(3, 17)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or integer
>>> mod(4, 6) // mod(2, 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: congruence class has no inverse
__pow__(other: Union[int, modulo.modulo.modulo], modulo: Optional[int] = None) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Perform modular exponentiation (including inversion, if the supplied exponent is negative).

>>> mod(4, 7) ** 3
modulo(1, 7)
>>> mod(4, 7) ** (-1)
modulo(2, 7)
>>> mod(4, 7) ** (-2)
modulo(4, 7)
>>> pow(mod(4, 7), 3)
modulo(1, 7)
>>> pow(mod(4, 7), 3, 7)
modulo(1, 7)

The exponent can be an integer or an instance of modulo. The latter option can enable concise notation when exponent values are treated as elements within their own group (such as when leveraging Euler’s theorem).

>>> pow(mod(4, 7), mod(2, 6)) * pow(mod(4, 7), mod(4, 6))
modulo(1, 7)

Attempts to invoke the operator on arguments that lack required properties (e.g., congruence classes that are not invertible) – or that have incorrect types – raise an exception.

>>> pow(mod(7), 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only exponentiate a congruence class
>>> pow(mod(3, 7), 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: exponent must be an integer or congruence class
>>> pow(mod(4, 7), 3, 8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: modulus does not match congruence class modulus
>>> pow(mod(4, 6), -1, 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: congruence class has no inverse
__invert__() modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Return the multiplicative inverse of a congruence class.

>>> ~mod(4, 7)
modulo(2, 7)

Any attempt to invoke the operator on an instance that lacks the required properties (e.g., a congruence class that is not invertible) raises an exception.

>>> ~mod(4, 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: congruence class has no inverse
__mod__(other: int) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

If this instance is a congruence class, return a congruence class with a modified modulus attribute.

>>> mod(3, 10) % 7
modulo(3, 7)
>>> mod(11, 23) % 2
modulo(1, 2)

This operation is only defined for congruence classes and the second argument must be an integer.

>>> mod(10) % 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: modulus cannot be modified for a set of congruence classes
>>> mod(3, 10) % 1.23
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: right-hand argument must be an integer
__rmod__(other: int) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

If this instance is a set of congruence classes, construct a congruence class corresponding to the supplied integer.

>>> 7 % mod(11)
modulo(7, 11)

This operation is only defined for a set of congruence classes.

>>> 7 % mod(3, 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expecting a set of congruence classes as the second argument
>>> 1.23 % mod(11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: left-hand argument must be an integer
__truediv__(other: int) modulo.modulo.modulo[source]

Transform a congruence class into a related congruence class that is obtained by dividing both the residue and the modulus by the same positive integer.

>>> mod(2, 10) / 2
modulo(1, 5)

Only a congruence class can be transformed, and both the residue and modulus must be divisible by the supplied integer.

>>> mod(4) / 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: can only transform a congruence class
>>> mod(3, 4) / 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: residue and modulus must both be divisible by the supplied integer
>>> mod(3, 9) / 3.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: second argument must be an integer

This method is made available primarily for use in applying the Chinese remainder theorem (e.g., as is done in modulo.__and__) and similar processes.

__and__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) Optional[Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, set]][source]

Return the intersection of two congruence classes, represented as a congruence class. The result is constructed via an application of the Chinese remainder theorem).

>>> mod(2, 3) & mod(4, 5)
modulo(14, 15)
>>> mod(1, 10) & mod(1, 14)
modulo(1, 70)
>>> mod(2, 10) & mod(2, 14)
modulo(2, 70)
>>> mod(23, 100) & mod(31, 49)
modulo(423, 4900)
>>> mod(2, 10) & mod(4, 20) is None

The example below compares the outputs from this method (across a range of inputs) with the results of an exhaustive search. Note the use of congruence class instances as iterables (via modulo.__iter__).

>>> from itertools import islice
>>> all(
...     int(modulo(a, m) & modulo(b, n)) in (
...         set(islice(modulo(a, m), 20)) & set(islice(modulo(b, n), 20))
...     )
...     for m in range(1, 20) for a in range(m)
...     for n in range(1, 20) for b in range(n)
...     if (a % gcd(m, n) == b % gcd(m, n))
... )
>>> all(
...     (modulo(a, m) & modulo(b, n) is None) and (
...         set(islice(modulo(a, m), 20)) & set(islice(modulo(b, n), 20)) == set()
...     )
...     for m in range(1, 20) for a in range(m)
...     for n in range(1, 20) for b in range(n)
...     if (a % gcd(m, n) != b % gcd(m, n))
... )

Both arguments must be congruence classes.

>>> mod(2, 3) & mod(7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: intersection operation is only defined for two congruence classes
>>> mod(2, 3) & 1.23
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class
__eq__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Return a boolean value indicating whether this instance represents the same congruence class or set of congruence classes as the other instance.

>>> mod(3, 7) == mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(2, 7) == mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(4) == mod(4)
>>> mod(5) == mod(7)

Both arguments must be congruence classes or sets thereof.

>>> modulo(2, 3) == 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or set of congruence classes
__ne__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Return a boolean value indicating whether this instance represents a different congruence class (or set of congruence classes) than the other instance.

>>> mod(2, 7) != mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) != mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(5) != mod(7)
>>> mod(4) != mod(4)

Both arguments must be congruence classes or sets thereof.

>>> modulo(2, 3) != 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class or set of congruence classes
__lt__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Allow comparison and sorting of congruence classes (according to their least nonnegative residues).

>>> mod(2, 7) < mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) < mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(5, 7) < mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(9, 7) < mod(3, 7)
>>> list(sorted([mod(2, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(0, 3)]))
[modulo(0, 3), modulo(1, 3), modulo(2, 3)]

Congruence classes with different moduli, sets of congruence classes, and other incompatible objects cannot be compared.

>>> mod(2, 3) < mod(1, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: congruence classes do not have the same modulus
>>> mod(3) < mod(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: sets of congruence classes cannot be compared
>>> mod(3) < 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class
__le__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Allow comparison and sorting of congruence classes (according to their least nonnegative residues).

>>> mod(2, 7) <= mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) <= mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(5, 7) <= mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(9, 7) <= mod(3, 7)
>>> list(sorted([mod(2, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(0, 3)]))
[modulo(0, 3), modulo(1, 3), modulo(2, 3)]
__gt__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Allow comparison and sorting of congruence classes (according to their least nonnegative residues).

>>> mod(3, 7) > mod(2, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) > mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(1, 7) > mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) > mod(9, 7)
>>> list(sorted([mod(2, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(0, 3)]))
[modulo(0, 3), modulo(1, 3), modulo(2, 3)]
__ge__(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Allow comparison and sorting of congruence classes (according to their least nonnegative residues).

>>> mod(3, 7) >= mod(2, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) >= mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(1, 7) >= mod(3, 7)
>>> mod(3, 7) >= mod(9, 7)
>>> list(sorted([mod(2, 3), mod(1, 3), mod(0, 3)]))
[modulo(0, 3), modulo(1, 3), modulo(2, 3)]
__contains__(other: Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int]) bool[source]

Membership function for integers, congruence classes, and sets of congruence classes.

>>> 3 in mod(4, 7)
>>> 4 in mod(4, 7)
>>> 11 in mod(4, 7)
>>> mod(4, 7) in mod(7)
>>> mod(4, 5) in mod(7)

Attempts to perform invalid membership checks raise exceptions.

>>> 3 in mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only check if a congruence class is a member of a set of congruence classes
>>> mod(4) in mod(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only check if a congruence class is a member
>>> 'a' in mod(7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only check if a congruence class is a member of a set of congruence classes
>>> 'a' in mod(4, 7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only check if an integer is a member of a congruence class
issubset(other: modulo.modulo.modulo) bool[source]

Return a boolean value indicating whether a congruence class of integers is a subset of another congruence class of integers.

>>> mod(2, 8).issubset(mod(2, 4))
>>> mod(6, 8).issubset(mod(2, 4))
>>> mod(3, 4).issubset(mod(0, 2))

Only pairs of congruence classes can be compared using this method.

>>> mod(6).issubset(mod(2, 4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: subset relationship is only defined between congruence classes
>>> mod(2, 8).issubset(mod(4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: subset relationship is only defined between congruence classes
>>> mod(2, 8).issubset(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: expecting a congruence class
__iter__() Union[Iterable[int], Iterable[modulo]][source]

Allow iteration over all nonnegative (infinitely many) members (if this instance is a congruence class), or all congruence classes (if this instance is a set of congruence classes).

>>> [i for (_, i) in zip(range(5), mod(3, 7))]
[3, 10, 17, 24, 31]
>>> list(mod(4))
[modulo(0, 4), modulo(1, 4), modulo(2, 4), modulo(3, 4)]
__getitem__(index: int) Union[modulo.modulo.modulo, int][source]

Allow efficient retrieval of individual members of a congruence class or set of congruence classes.

>>> cs = modulo(7)
>>> cs[2]
modulo(2, 7)
>>> cs[-2]
modulo(5, 7)
>>> c = modulo(2, 7)
>>> c[0]
>>> c[-1]
>>> c[2]

The supplied index must be an integer.

>>> c['a']
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: index must be an integer
__len__() int[source]

Return the number of elements in a set of congruence classes (e.g., a ring or finite field) or the modulus for a congruence class.

>>> len(mod(36))
>>> len(mod(2, 4))

Use of the built-in len function is the recommended approach for retrieving the modulus attribute of a modulo instance.

__int__() int[source]

Return the least nonnegative residue (i.e., the canonical integer representative) of an instance that represents a congruence class.

>>> int(mod(2, 4))

A set of congruence classes (e.g., a finite field) cannot be represented as a single integer.

>>> int(mod(4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: can only convert a congruence class to an integer

Use of the built-in int function is the recommended approach for retrieving the residue attribute of a modulo instance.

__repr__() str[source]

Return the string representation of this congruence class or set of congruence classes.

>>> mod(2, 4)
modulo(2, 4)
>>> mod(7)
__str__() str[source]

Return the string representation of this congruence class or set of congruence classes.

>>> mod(2, 4)
modulo(2, 4)
>>> mod(7)

Alias for modulo.


Alias for modulo.